Seminar at WashU's Department of Biology. 2025. Rules, Regulations and Randomness: From Biological to Social Systems.
Workshop talk at the Santa Fe Institute's Emergent Engineering Workshop. 2024. Unnecessary Bureaucracy? Understanding the growth of rules and unifying principles in biological and social systems.
Invited talk at the University of Warwick, Departments of Mathematics and Life Sciences. 2024. Universal principles of regulation: diversity, stochasticity, and constraints.
Invited talk at the Postdocs in Complexity: Global Summit at the Santa Fe Institute, USA. 2024. Population dynamics of viral cheating with length-dependent selection.
Contributed talk at the Conference on Complex Systems 2024 in Exeter. First-passage on disordered intervals.
Plenary talk at the European Conference for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology 2024 in Toledo. Breaking steady state assumptions in models of stochastic chemical kinetics.
Contributed talk at the European Conference for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology 2024 in Toledo. The statistical physics of transcription and mRNA expression heterogeneity.
Contributed talk at the 10th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2) in Philadelphia. 2024. Scaling of diversity and specialization across socioeconomic and biological complex systems.
Invited talk at the University of California Berkeley at the lab of Prof. Hernan Garcia. 2024. What are the benefits of bursty transcription?
Invited talk at St. Johns College, Santa Fe. 2024. A complexity approach to rules, regulations and bureaucracy. This is part of the ongoing seminar series I am co-organizing.
Workshop talk at the Santa Fe Institute. 2023. A unified mechanistic model of diversity in cities, cells and companies.
Poster presentation at the European Conference for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology 2022 in Heidelberg. Analytics and Bimodality in Transient Michaelis-Menten Kinetics.
Seminar at Cambridge Econometrics. 2022. Stochastic methods for binary decision models.
Seminar at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. 2022. Stochastic methods for binary decision models.
Invited talk at the Santa Fe Institute. 2022. Time-dependent solutions to master equations in chemical kinetics and opinion formation.
Seminar at the University of St. Andrews. 2021. Stochastic time-dependent enzyme kinetics: Closed-form solution and transient bimodality.
Invited talk at the University of Edinburgh. 2019. Using moment-based maximum likelihood inference to infer parameters from experimental data.